
Leap Day Thrift Store Hopping

First off, happy Leap Day!!

So I went "thrift store hopping" today. Much like bar-hopping, only way more fun! I've been meaning to check out the local thrift stores for a while, and finally got around to it today. I found one that was fantastic. Two floors, plus all the stuff outside! Good Finds was awesome.

I found this super cute jewelry box for just $6! What a deal! Especially since I was in the market for a new one anyway. (The one I was working with before was... pitiful.)
They did have one of those big fancy vintage ones that I want also, but it was a little out of my price range. Still a deal for what it was though!

And I also found this super cool authentic German beer stein... ON SALE. I think I've decided I'm building a collection. The other one I have, while from Germany, isnt quite as fancy. So I wont show that one off. But still!
Unfortunately they didnt have much in the line of clothes. But I passed one on the way home -- which was unfortunately closed at the time -- that I saw tons of clothes when I.. peaked in the window. ;) I'll have to check back earlier in the day for that one.

In other news, next week is Spring Break. The boyfriend is going down to his ma's for the break, but I'll be staying home (Work..). But I'm not too upset about it, I hope to get a lot done. Maybe even get started on that project I mentioned earlier!

Crepes.. yummy!!

Tonight for dessert I decided to do something a little special! I went off of this super easy crepe recipe made with simple things I'm sure you already have! I added a little bit of brown sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla extract to the batter, and When they were done I slathered them with Nutella (yummmm) and put fresh cut strawberries and banana slices on one side, then closed it up like a taco. They were SOOOOOO yum!

Next time I'll have to try and time it better so they are still warm for eating, that would have made them 10x better. A few alterations to the recipe stated: mix all the wet ingredients together FIRST (egg, water, milk, ect) and THEN sift in the dry ingredients. As its stated in the recipe it was really hard to get mixed together. Also, I'd suggest cutting out greasing the pan (especially if you have non-stick pans!) because the first one I made was a bit greasy. And make sure you get the pan really HOT before you pour in the batter, so it cooks evenly.

The recipe from All Recipes is totally customizeable. I made it sweet for dessert, but you could totally add some pepper and herbs to turn it into the main course. Add meat and veggies, sauce, salsa, whatever! Yummm.. gonna have to try that one!

My super-cute DIY pintrest board!

Its been a few days since I've posted! Dont worry, soon they'll be pouring in as I get into the throes of my next project (shh.. wont spoil it now, stay tuned to find out what it is!)

In the mean-time, though, I figured I could tide you over with this pinterest board I've started! Its growing fast, and includes a bunch of super cute clothing and accessory DIY tutorials I've come across! Its really so that I can keep a running list of all the stuff I want to try (my favorites list was just getting way too long!!) but I figure you might be interested as well!

Super cute.. Get the look!

^Click and see!

My Fridge Food

Alright, so I dont know about you, but I'm one of those people who can never figure out what to have for dinner. I'd rather cook than go out (for many reasons, cost being one of them!), but sometimes I just stare into my pantry or refrigerator and have no idea what to do. And for those of you like me, I have an amazing solution.

Its called My Fridge Food, and its brilliant. Just go to the website, select from the list all the things that you already have in your kitchen, and wallah! Recipes just for you, with stuff you already have! Sometimes it can be a hassle if you have lots of stuff that wasnt on the original list, but if you scroll down and see "Missing" ingredients that you DO have, just click the +Fridge button and it'll incorporate it into your list!

If you make an account with them, you can save your ingredient list, so as to avoid re-selecting things you have over and over. Plus, you can submit your own recipes! As of now there isn't a HUGE variety of recipes, so submitting yours will help everyone (like me! :P) You can also create a shopping list if you find an awesome recipe you want to try, but are missing a few ingredients!

Its all pretty brilliant if you ask me. Check it out!

"Stinky Stuff" - Garlic Butter Noodle recipe

So I figured out something to post about! I'm sure you've all had garlic butter noodles, they're a pretty common thing. But this is a little different variation on them. A good family friend made them for me a lot when I was younger, and I recently.. accidentally re-discovered them, so I cant really claim all the credit for this recipe.

There arent very many ingredients, and what there are, you probably have lying around your kitchen anyway, so its super easy and cheap to make! (Heck, starving college student over here!)

I didnt take any pictures of it this time around, but next time I'll try and update this with some!

  • 1 lb Spaghetti noodles (I guess any kind would work though)
  • 4-5 tbsp Butter or Margarine
  • 1-2 tbsp Garlic Salt
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
Makes ~8 servings
 (All measurements are approximate. I usually just eyeball it and taste test as I go. Do it how you like it!)

Bring water to a boil and cook noodles until "Al Dente" (or however you like them). Drain, dont rinse, then return noodles to pot. Turn heat to med/low and add the butter. Stir often until butter is fully melted and coats the noodles. Then add the garlic salt and cinnamon. (The cinnamon is optional. My boyfriend hates it, so I usually leave it out and then add it to mine individually later on. A little bit goes a long way.) Once the seasonings are well mixed in (I suggest a taste test to see if you need more of something), add the Parmesan. It will be sort of hard to mix once thats in, but try and work it in as best as possible.

Now enjoy!! If you make it, let me know what you think!

That awkward first post..

Hmm.. well the first post on a blog is always kind of awkward. What do I say? I guess I can start off by telling you who I am.


My name is Sam. I'm just a girl, trying to find my place in this big blue world. I'm 19 years old as of writing this, and I'm a student at Florida State double majoring in Biology and Education. I hope to go on to Veterinary school after this, and maybe teach Middle School while I'm there. I'm Vizepräsident (Vice-President) of the Deutschklub (German Club) at my school, and love it.

I love animals, and have eine kleine Katze (a little cat) named Patches. I'm sure, if you're reading this, you'll hear about her again in the future! I have always enjoyed crafting, and I recently took up sewing (since my boyfriend got me a sewing machine!). I also love cooking (and eating!).

I've started this blog to document my life, I guess. It will probably mostly be my experiences with various crafts and sewing projects. I'll try and make tutorials of sorts, in case you want to try too! I promise, if I can do it, so can you!